Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 27 August 2008

by Neds Job of the Week
Published on: 08/27/2008
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Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 27 August 2008

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Issue # 110

You are among 630 subscribers


“One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have only interests.”

~ John Stuart Mills


Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.


I’m on travel this week, which explains why the newsletter is a little shorter than usual.



When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share. 


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by sending a blank email to


Transitioning, or changing your e-mail address?  Don't forget to change your DEFCON – 1 subscription.  To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail from the old account to Then a blank e-mail from your new account to  I cannot do this for you.


I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):

1.  IT positions, Alion Science and Technology, various locations

2.)  Executive Director, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Nauticus Museum, City of Norfolk, Norfolk, VA

3.)  Project Engineer – Engineering Group, Phoenix International Holdings, Largo, MD 4.)  Change Management Specialist, ActioNet, Fort Shafter, HI

5.)  Senior Cost Analyst, Koam Engineering Services, San Diego, CA

6.)  Operations Project Associate, ITT Communications Systems, Fort Wayne, IN

7.)  Computer System Analyst, Vector Planning & Services, Charleston, SC

8.)  Computer Network Operations Support, S4, Omaha, NE

9.)  Aircraft Electronics Technician, C-40A Flex Maintenance Manpower
Project, TSM Corporation, Jacksonville, FL

10.)  Associate NOTAMS Analyst, Jeppesen, Englewood, CO

11.)  Media Relations Rep 3, Northrop Grumman Technical Services, Herndon, VA



***  And more…



***  Send an announcement to the 500-plus defense industry professionals on this list for just $200.  Contact Ned at


***  The SNA 18th Annual West Coast Symposium will be held adjacent to Pier 2, Naval Base San Diego from 0700-1800, TODAY!  Thursday, 28 August. 

This year's theme is “Executing the Maritime Strategy” and we have a great line-up of speakers. A detailed Symposium agenda is available onsite at BONHOMME RICHARD (LHD-6), who will be moored at Pier 2, has graciously offered to host lunch.  While onboard, we are honored to have as our lunch time speaker, Capt Jeff Bacon, USN (Ret), author of the comic strip, Broadside.   The event will conclude with a Surface Warrior Reception in the corporate sponsor's tent. 

With the exception of lunch, all events are free of charge.  Lunch is $5.00 for SNA members, $8.00 for non-members. 

Registration can be completed online at or at .  Please register early to help enable proper planning for both the luncheon and reception.

(Ned will be there.)


***  From Lisa Zusman:


Hi Ned,


I’m a longtime JOTW subscriber and considering your military background, I thought you might be interested to know about an event I’m helping to plan.  On September 30, the United States Navy Memorial in Washington, DC, will hold its annual Lone Sailor Awards Dinner to recognize outstanding service to country and community.  Major sponsors of the evening include Boeing, Booz|Allen|Hamilton, Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, SPC, and Raytheon.


This year’s honorees are


·        The Honorable Norm Dicks (D-WA);

·        A. G. Lafley, Chairman and CEO of Procter and Gamble and former Navy Supply Corps Officer;

·        John H. McConnell, Founder of Worthington Industries and Navy veteran (awarded posthumously); and

·        Arnold Palmer, golf legend and Coast Guard veteran.


I’ve attached the calendar announcement about the Lone Sailor Awards Dinner, as well as a picture of Arnold Palmer in uniform.




Lisa Zusman

Linda Roth Associates

Publicist, U.S. Navy Memorial

V: (703) 417-2706

F: (703) 417-2707



***  The 2008 Surface Warrior Cocktail Party:


As we head into the summer and get ready for the busy month of
September, don't forget to register to attend the Surface Navy
Association's Annual Cocktail Party on September 6 at the Washington
Navy Yard Navy Museum.   This has been a well attended and popular event
– and this year's party will be no exception.  Heavy Hors d'oeuvres,
beer and wine will be provided for a small fee.   In addition to being
popular for our area Surface Warriors, this is also an event you can
invite your friends and family to attend. It is a casual affair with no
speaker, and offers a chance for us to gather and network in a terrific

Date:  Saturday, September 6, 2008

Time:  1830-2100

Location: Washington Navy Yard, Navy Museum

Preregistration is required:

Visit our chapter website for information on other GWC upcoming events:


***  What role do OPVs have to play in the current maritime security

September 29 – 2 October, 2008
Cotone Congressi Genova, Genoa, Italy

Dear Captain Lundquist,

Naval budgets continue to constrict. Maritime security feeds further
more into plans for preserving national security. For many, the answer
lies in increasing hull numbers by building smaller ships. The questions
remain though:

– Do OPVs have any useful role to play inactual combat conditions?
– What is the optimum balance between capability and cost for an OPV?
– What is the best combination of deployable assets for OPVs?

The 3rd annual OPV conference in Genoa, 29th September – 2nd October
2008 will seek to help you answer these questions with your global

The full conference agenda is now available for download at

Download your brochure here

For more agenda details and to register:
Call: +44 (0) 207 368 9300


***  From Carl Savino:


To:  Ned Lundquist, Ned's Blog

Greetings! There will be a Corporate Gray Job Fair for the Military Community at The Waterford in Springfield, Virginia from 10 am to 2 pm on Friday, September 19.  This job fair is FREE to all job seekers and is especially for transitioning and former military personnel. Civilians welcome and encouraged to attend.  If you are willing to forward the message below to the subscribers to your website, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Carl Savino
Competitive Edge Services, Inc.

Ph: (703) 690-6381

Corporate Gray Job Fair for the Military Community

You are invited to attend the September 19 Corporate Gray Job Fair at The Waterford in Springfield, Virginia.  Job fair hours are 10 am to 2 pm with employment-related seminars starting at 8 am and 9 am. This job fair and the seminars are free to all job seekers and especially for transitioning and former military members of all ranks/ratings; active duty, National Guard, and Reserve.  Civilians seeking employment are also welcome and encouraged to attend! 

Up to 100 companies and government agencies will be participating. To see the current list, visit and scroll down the page until you see the Job Fair Schedule.  Then click on “Springfield, VA.”   The seminars – How to Work a Job Fair, Marketing Yourself for Your Dream Job, and Securing Federal Employment will take place at 8 am and 9 am.  Recommended dress is business attire, though duty uniform is also fine. You should bring many copies of your resume.

Registration for the job fair is free and strongly encouraged.  How?  Visit, login using your Job Seeker account (or create one), and then click the Job Fairs tab and register link for the 9/19/08 job fair in Springfield, VA.  In so doing, you'll enable the employers to contact you in advance and you'll receive the Employer Directory in electronic form the weekend before the event. 

The Waterford is located at 6715 Commerce Street, Springfield, VA 22150.  It is about 1 block from the Springfield Mall and located near the intersection of I-495, I-395 and I-95.  Public transportation is available – Blue line to the Franconia-Springfield metro station and then a 5 minute ride on the Fairfax Connector ( to the Waterford.  If you elect to drive, directions can be found at

Don't miss this EXCELLENT opportunity to meet face-to-face with many top employers. Good luck in your job search!


***  Here are the jobs for this week:


1.  IT positions, Alion Science and Technology, various locations

Alion Science and Technology is currently hiring talented and dedicated professionals to meet the growing needs of our Navy business, especially in the area of information technology.

§                            #8643   Financial Analyst Lead

§                            #8644   Financial Analyst Associate

§                            #8645   Billing Operations Analyst Lead

§                            #8646   Telecommunications Engr. Analyst Associate

§                            #8647   Network Administrator Lead

§                            #8649   Technical Editor-Writer

§                            #8650   Network Systems Manager

§                            #8651   Configuration Analyst Lead

§                            #8652   Computer Specialist Lead

§                            #8653   Systems Analyst Lead

Previous Navy experience preferred; and Secret clearance preferred or must be eligible for Secret clearance. All positions are located in Washington, DC.

Please contact Kalia Kinser at or 301.918.1013 with questions.


(Note:  If you wish to submit your resume for this position with Alion Science and Technology, please follow the instruction to apply online, but also send your resume to Ned at, and I will also upload it into the system as a “refer a friend” submission for you.)





***  From Robert Burg:


Hi Ned,  Please take a look at this and let me know if you have anyone in mind as a great fit.  Feel free to shop it around.  Almost need an imagineer with superb relationship building and interpersonal abilities.  Will have to manage a major fund raising campaign.  Thanks in advance for your time!  Kindest Regards,  Robert


Robert Burg

Executive Vice President

Ralph Andersen & Associates

5800 Stanford Ranch Road, Suite 410

Rocklin, CA 95765

(916) 630-4900

fax: (916) 630-4911



2.)  Executive Director, Nauticus Museum, City of Norfolk, Norfolk, VA


The Nauticus visitor experience includes the approximately 120,000 square foot Nauticus Museum; the Battleship Wisconsin, which is 887 feet, 3 inches long; and the Half Moone Cruise and Celebration Center, which has approximately 80,000 square feet of space. The Nauticus Museum presents a variety of interactive exhibits that allow visitors to peer through a battlescope, learn the principles of ship design, play the role of a meteorologist, and touch a shark. Through exhibits created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which maintains an office within the Nauticus Museum, visitors can engage in hands-on exhibits about coastal and ocean stewardship and view real-time information pertinent to the National Ocean Service. Also housed within the Nauticus Museum isthe Hampton Roads Naval Museum, which tells the region’s naval history through photographs and artifacts.


The Battleship Wisconsin is berthed adjacent to the Nauticus Museum. The Wisconsin

is one of the largest – and last – battleships ever built by the U.S. Navy.

Visitors can take a self-guided tour of the main deck and learn more about the ship through exhibits, films, artifacts, and oral histories presented in the Nauticus Museum. The Navy is currently in the process of transferring stewardship of the Battleship Wisconsin to the City of Norfolk.


Also situated on the Nauticus site is the Half Moone Cruise and Celebration Center,

which opened in April 2007. The Half Moone Cruise and Celebration Center is a

working cruise terminal, as well as Norfolk’s most magnificent venue for special

events. Cruise lines set sail from Norfolk to Bermuda, the Caribbean, and New

England throughout the year.


Nauticus has a talented staff of 51 full-time employees that manage and operate the

Nauticus Museum, Battleship Wisconsin, and Half Moone Cruise and Celebration

Center. An organization chart can be found online at

All of these individuals are employees of the City. The Nauticus Board of Directors

currently has 15 members, with plans to expand to 28 over the next five years.

The annual operating budget of Nauticus is approximately $6 million.

As described above, Nauticus is currently a department of the City of Norfolk and

aspires to become a private non-profit entity. The plans for this transition have

been set forth in the Strategic Plan. As a private non-profit entity under the mantle

of the Board, Nauticus would operate, develop, and sustain the programs, exhibits,

collections, and staff of the Nauticus Museum, Battleship Wisconsin, and Half

Moone Cruise and Celebration Center. The City would continue to own, insure,

and maintain the site and the facilities. Also, the City will continue to provide funds

to help with the management and operations of the City-owned facilities.

The Nauticus Strategic Plan also calls for substantial enhancement of the visitor

experience. This will include: extending the public’s access to the Battleship Wisconsin

through new exhibits in the interior of the ship; developing an exciting plan

for the re-interpretation of the Nauticus Museum’s exhibit galleries; making facility

improvements; and expanding education programs. To accomplish these goals,

Nauticus plans to raise $25 million in private funds through a capital campaign.

w w w . N o r f o l k . g o v.


The Position

The City of Norfolk is seeking a well-qualified and dynamic individual to lead

Nauticus during an important stage of organizational development. Located on

Norfolk’s downtown waterfront, the Nauticus site is home to the Nauticus Museum,

the Battleship Wisconsin, and the Half Moon Cruise and Celebration Center. In

March 2007, Nauticus adopted an ambitious Strategic Plan that sets the course

for a transition from being a City department to a private, non-profit entity. As a

first step in this transition, the organization has established a Board of Directors

comprised of Norfolk’s top business and community leaders, including the Mayor

of Norfolk.


The Executive Director will work closely with the City Manager and Board of

Directors to foster an effective public-private partnership and further the mission

of Nauticus. He or She will be responsible for enhancing the Nauticus Museum

and Battleship Wisconsin visitor experience, overseeing the operation of the Half

Moone Cruise and Celebration Center, working with the Board of Directors to

undertake a major capital campaign, providing leadership and direction to the

staff, and managing community and governmental relationships.

As a department of the City, the Executive Director reports to the City Manager.

Once transitioned to a non-profit entity, the Executive Director will be responsible

to the Board of Directors. The Executive Director has responsibility for the operation

of the Nauticus Museum, Battleship Wisconsin, and Half Moone Cruise and

Celebration Center. Responsibilities include:

¾¾Providing leadership and vision to shape the development and implementation

of new exhibits that will enhance the Nauticus Museum and Battleship

Wisconsin visitor experience;

¾¾Guiding the organization and future of Nauticus, working with the Board and

City to ensure a collaborative relationship between the City of Norfolk and

the Board of Directors;

¾¾Playing a vital role in the $25 million capital campaign with the Board by

developing a donor base, cultivating relationships, and performing support

work needed for completing major tasks; creatively developing other means

of contributed support from federal, state, and local sources; enhancing

earned income opportunities;

¾¾Managing the City’s stewardship of the Battleship Wisconsin, including shortterm

and long-term maintenance and operations of this historic Navy icon;

¾¾Providing oversight of the City’s cruise ship business at the Half Moone

Cruise and Celebration Center, which includes approximately 30 homeport

and stopover calls each year carrying more than 100,000+ passengers;

¾¾Ensuring effective implementation of the Strategic Plan; connecting staff

and Board roles to the vision, mission, and goals of the organization; driving

results and using established metrics of success;



Robert Burg

Executive Vice President

Ralph Andersen & Associates

5800 Stanford Ranch Road, Suite 410

Rocklin, CA 95765

(916) 630-4900

fax: (916) 630-4911



3.)  Project Engineer – Engineering Group, Phoenix International Holdings, Largo, MD

Description: The Project Engineer reports to the Engineering Manager.
Under limited supervision, the Project Engineer develops, executes,
manages and coordinates project plans, including implementation
schedules, budgets, and resource estimates, for a wide range of
Engineering and Operational projects as assigned.  These projects range
from small in-house development tasks to development of special tools
and equipment in support of underwater ship repair, marine construction,
and ROV design, fabrication and operation. The Project Engineer will be
responsible for the preparation of proposals, either as a proposal team
member or individually, including participation of oral presentations to
the Customer.  The position is based in Largo, MD, some travel is
required, typically of limited duration, but may require worldwide
travel on emergency call out basis.  This position will be expected to
work in the facility (8 hours) and possibly on board ships at sea (12
hours) on a daily basis.

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Develops integrated project plans, implementation schedules, and cost
estimates for major, long-term projects; prepares and manages project
budgets and performs periodic cost and productivity analyses.
 Reports project and budget status to the client as required in
accordance with company policy and contract requirements.
 When required, efficiently and successfully coordinates and directs
operations requiring the support of subcontractors, military personnel,
and diverse groups of technical and professional personnel by forming an
effective team.
 Participates on and/or facilitates various internal technical project
 Participates in the establishment, organization, and implementation of
short- and long-range goals, objectives, policies, and operating
procedures; monitors and evaluates project effectiveness and effects
changes required for improvement.
 Represents projects to various in-house divisions and components as
well as to various external customers and entities.
 Communicates regularly with management and administration regarding the
status of current project initiatives; obtains executive guidance and
approval as required to advance initiatives.
 Participates on and/or facilitates in developing and executing
logistics support plans for complex marine operations worldwide.
 Complies with company policies and safety standards.
 Performs miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned.
 Provides, expert advice and consultation on submarine rescue and
underwater projects as requested.

 Bachelor's degree in an engineering or marine related field.
 Minimum 8 years of experience that is directly related to the duties
and responsibilities specified.
 Have experience and a working knowledge of ROV and diving operations,
and associated logistic support for all phases of operational
 Knowledge of project management principles, practices, techniques, and
tools including skill in organizing resources and establishing
 Possess a thorough background in and knowledge of financial management,
including cost control and estimating; knowledge of inventory and
property control procedures.
 Possess sound verbal and written communication skills.
 Ability to develop, plan, and implement short- and long-range goals.
 Ability to develop project budgets and projections.
 Ability to analyze complex problems, interpret operational needs, and
develop integrated, creative solutions.
 Skill in the use of personal computers and related software
applications, including all MS Office programs, Solidworks, AutoCad, and
 Strong interpersonal skills and ability to deal effectively in a team
 Skill in examining and re-engineering operations and procedures,
formulating policy, and developing and implementing new strategies and
 Work is normally performed in a typical office/warehouse work
environment, however on occasion work may be performed in a offshore
 Limited to moderate physical effort required.
 Limited to moderate exposure to physical risk.
 Must be able to obtain a US government security clearance.
 Must be able, and willing, to travel worldwide, on short notice for
indefinite periods of time.
Benefits:  ESOP, 401k, medical insurance, dental insurance, life
insurance, holiday, vacation and sick leave.

If interested, email cover letter and a resume to

4.)  Change Management Specialist, ActioNet, Fort Shafter, HI

Under general direction, performs assessment, preparation, and
implementation of environments and change control activities for medium
size complex tasks. Possesses knowledge of version control for
documentation and software code, and experience in operating and
maintaining CM tools such as PVCS or Endeavor. Must be PC, mainframe,
and JCL literate, detail oriented, and have good writing and
communication skills. Requires a related bachelor's degree or
equivalent, and two to four years of related work experience. NOTE: Six
years of IT experience may be substituted for a Bachelor's degree. Must
have CompTIA Security+ and Foundation ITIL certifications.
Skills Required
Specifically we are looking for someone well versed in DoD and Army
regulations, policies, and procedures. Also, must have in-depth
understanding of DoD enterprise operations business practices. The
mission is to provide support of The Pacific-Theater Network Operations
and Security Center (PAC-TNOSC) at FT Shafter Hawaii. It is responsible
to the Pacific Theater G6; 311th Signal Command Theater for the computer
network defense and security of the Army in the Pacific's Area of
Responsibility known as the Pacific LandWarNet.

5.)  Senior Cost Analyst, Koam Engineering Services, San Diego, CA

Desire ten years experience in performing cost analysis in a military,
preferably C4ISR, environment. 

Desire a Bachelors of Science degree in Business, Economics,
Mathematics, or Engineering.  Desire experience in leading groups of
cost analysts.
If you would like further information about career opportunities with
KES, please contact us by e-mail at
Koam Engineering Systems Inc.
9325 Sky Park Court, Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92123

6.)  Operations Project Associate, ITT Communications Systems, Fort Wayne, IN
Req Number: CS9966

Position Description:
ITT Communications Systems (CS) is a world leader in developing and
networking tactical communication systems. We are pleased to offer a
significant career opportunity for an Operations Project Associate. The
qualified candidate will monitor and coordinate material, manufacturing
and shipment related activities for production related programs. Will
act as a prime liaison between Manufacturing Operations and all other
internal functions to ensure schedules and shipments meet the needs of
customer requirements and company objectives. This position will also
maintain up-to-date knowledge of ITAR and EAR applicable regulatory
requirements. Position may require international travel.

Duties are principally focused on International Business and include:

* Monitor and expedite all phases of assigned projects–from contract
release through final shipment.
* Act as prime interface for schedule change requests, obtain inputs and
provide recommendations based on thorough material, manufacturing, pack,
license and shipping analysis.
* Collaborate with other departments and interfaces to assure
constraints are identified and requirements and schedules are achieved.
* Maintain detailed records supporting the availability of material,
resources, licenses, and capacity providing for the rapid feedback of
schedule flexibility and proposed sales reforcasting.
* Prepare weekly status reports for use in verifying performance to
* Establish and conduct program status meetings to include schedule
status, schedule and material delinquencies, and proposed schedule
variations on a regular basis.

ITT Communications Systems (CS) is a world leader in design, development
and aftermarket support of wireless networking communications systems
for tactical military, and government systems such as the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) and border security. We offer an
outstanding compensation and benefits package including medical, dental
and life insurance, 401(k) with employer match, and a pension plan.

Experience Requirements:
Education Required: BS Degree or equivalent work experience.

Experience Required: 3-5 years in Material Planning, Production Control,
or Project Management.

Knowledge Required: Requires considerable knowledge of production
control, material planning, purchasing, and manufacturing. Advanced
Microsoft Project and Excel Skills.

Must be a U.S. Citizen.

ITT is an equal opportunity employer (M/F/D/V).

7.)  Computer System Analyst, Vector Planning & Services, Charleston, SC

8.)  Computer Network Operations Support, S4, Omaha, NE

S4 has several openings for personnel with “in-depth and hands-on”
expertise, experience, working knowledge and a full understanding of
CNO. Candidates are expected to be familiar with DoD intelligence
capabilities, along with understand doctrine, capstone and other
overarching documents that drive the CNO mission. Expertise to enhance
the Command's requirements for CNO intelligence planning, strategy,
policies, procedures, collection management, war-gaming, integration,
production, dissemination and technical expertise is required. An
ability to perform in-depth analysis in conjunction with the ability to
read specific foreign languages, provide cultural expertise and
technical/network background is required. The ability to communicate
using verbal and written methods is essential; the ability to
communicate clearly and effectively with other personnel ranging from
intelligence analysts to senior decision-makers is critical.

Information Technology Positions include- Programmer, Network
Administrator in LINUX and MS environments, Application developer for
Analyst Link Notebook, Network and Systems Designer, Database
Administrator, Database Developer

Intelligence Analyst Positions – Experience in Computer Network
Operations, intelligence background, all-source, SIGINT, open source
intelligence analysis; Cultural expertise in the middle east, China, and
Russia a plus.

Education: Appropriate degrees or certifications required

Cultural expertise a real plus!
Chinese – Multiple Dialects, Russian, Arabic/Farsi

Clearance Requirement: Current TS/SCI

Please send your resume at

9.)  Aircraft Electronics Technician, C-40A Flex Maintenance Manpower
Project, TSM Corporation, Jacksonville, FL

SUPERVISOR: C-40A Site Manager
INTRODUCTION: Aircraft Avionics Technician will perform various tasks on
the C-40A aircraft as Maintenance Control Sets priorities for each work
day. The technician will work side by side with Navy personnel to ensure
workload priorities set by Production Control and the daily flight
schedule are completed.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: The contractor shall furnish personnel, services
and capabilities required to complete the defined tasks below. The
effort will support the C-40A Flex Maintenance Manpower project. Tasks
will encompass those efforts necessary to successfully meet the
objectives of the Flex Maintenance Manpower project. Assignments and
responsibilities follow:
Ability to inspect, test, maintain and repair aircraft electrical
components, systems, and ancillary equipment of installed Aircraft
Communications Navigation/ Weapon Systems.
Ability to maintain electrical and instrument systems, aircraft
batteries, interior and exterior lighting, electrical control of
aircraft systems, automatic flight control and stabilization systems,
aircraft compass systems, attitude reference systems, and inertial
navigation systems.
Knowledge of wiring schematics of aircraft electrical systems and
interpretation of technical data.
Assist and perform periodic inspections as required by maintenance
Working knowledge of electrical wiring and the principles of their use,
as applicable to avionics and electrical systems.
Assist in troubleshooting of avionics, electrical, navigation and
auxiliary components.
Assist and removal and replacement of aircraft component parts and
electrical wiring.
Provide training to squadron military personnel.
Observe safety and precautions around aircraft and workspaces.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of first aid procedures to be used in an
Qualified or the ability to operate support equipment for flight line
maintenance of installed aircraft systems.
Complete applicable maintenance data forms to include documenting the
ordering and receipt of aircraft components.
Use and care of power tools and precision measuring devices in the
maintenance and repair of aircraft.
Work, cooperate and communicate with supervisors, program managers,
customers and co-workers satisfactorily. This includes the professional,
mature acceptance of constructive criticism.
Comply with the policies and procedures as set forth in the
corporation's Handbook of Policy and Procedures.
Perform other duties as assigned.
Able to acquire and maintain a SECRET clearance IAW DON guidelines.
Possess a minimum of 5 years of experience in the assigned skill
designator. FAA license or commensurate equivalent in the aviation field
may also apply.
Able to get qualified and operate support equipment.
Have current or ability to obtain CDI (collateral duty inspector).
Have current ability to complete military required training necessary to
perform required skill designator.
Possess knowledge of Naval Aviation Maintenance Program manual and Naval
Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS).
Lifting, standing, walking, bending, climbing, grasping, carrying,
holding, pushing and pulling are generally required to perform functions
of this position.


10.)  Associate NOTAMS Analyst, Jeppesen, Englewood, CO


***  From Susan Idziak:


Ned – Thanks for facilitating this fabulous list!  I've found many a job opportunity … and now would like to share one with the crowds.  Thanks very much ~


Susan Idziak

Northrop Grumman Technical Services


11.)  Media Relations Rep 3, Northrop Grumman Technical Services, Herndon, VA


Posting ID: TS/057172


The Media Relations Representative is responsible for the media relations and marketing communications support for a $2+ billion business sector. In this capacity, the specialist will work separately and/or in conjunction with the Media Relations Manager to develop and implement media relations and marketing communications support strategies and campaigns that enable business growth . This position is responsible for providing communications support on strategic pursuits, externally and internally promoting business capabilities, while highlighting business group core competencies, primarily for one of three business groups, and bringing visibility to the commitment of Northrop Grumman's leadership to superior performance on all programs. This individual will be required to work closely and collaboratively with the business market development managers for the business group, as well as business group program managers, providing specific public relations and marketing communications advice and provide hands on-support for those efforts that have broader communications value to Northrop Grumman Technical Services. Additionally, support communications mission at designated industry trade shows, support Sector conferences and other high profile communications efforts. The position reports to the Media Relations Manager and is located in Herndon, Va. At least 5 years of related experience in communications, marketing, journalism and/or a related field. * Knowledge and experience with external communications vehicles, practices, technology. * Understands process improvement tools (e.g. Six Sigma, TQM and other improvement processes and tools) * Communications Consultative experience with leaders at all levels * Understanding of communication planning, implementation and measurement/evaluation skills * Excellent writing and oral skills * Demonstrated ability to lead, manage and participate on teams. * Understanding of global, cultural and diversity issues and sensitivities. * Ability to prepare for, execute, and evaluate crisis response. * Demonstrated advanced Microsoft Powerpoint and Excel skills. 


Job Detail



***  Ball cap of the week: Pawtucket Red Sox


***  Coffee Mug of the Day:  UCE Birmingham


***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our website at  You can also read previous issues at or on Topica at


Your company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me.  Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager subscribes to DEFCON 1.


Please share these opportunities and refer this network to your friends in the defense industry.  They can subscribe for free when they send a blank a-mail to


If you delete an address from your account, or if you really don't want to read the newsletter, then send an email to:


DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that serves the nearly 10,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, send a blank e-mail to:


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661



(703) 692-4609


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2008 Job of the Week Network, LLC


“A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind.”

~ Robert Bolton

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