Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 7 January 2009

by Ned Lundquist
Published on: 01/07/2009
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SNA Wounded Warrior Project
The Greater Washington Chapter of the Surface Navy Association is
raising $30,000 to buy a modified wheelchair conversion van for
Operation Second Chance to transport wounded warriors in and around
Washington, D.C. to receive medical treatment and attend sporting events
and entertainment. 

Visit to report
your contribution to Operation Second Chance.

Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 7 January 2009

Issue # 118
You are among 665 subscribers

“Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch
 ~John De Paola

We return after a one-week hiatus to chill out for the holidays.

DECFON 1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members
like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.

Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career
Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring
job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global
defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a
position that comes open with your company, you send me the title,
organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact
information, and I'll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means
everyone's participation is required to provide job opportunities to

Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply
by sending a blank email to

Transitioning, or changing your e-mail address?  Don't forget to change
your DEFCON – 1 subscription.  To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail from
the old account to Then a blank e-mail from
your new account to  I cannot do this for you.

I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.

***  In this issue (This week's jobs are listed here, and then offered
with links or in more detail below):
1.)  Marine Engineer Sr, Alion Science and Technology, Pascagoula, MS
2.)  Sr Early Warning Command Control & Communication Analyst, CSC,
Arlington, VA
3.)  Geospatial Web/Database Developer, Geospatial Division, Applied
SErvices and Information Systems, LLC, Virginia Beach, Virginia
4.)  Technical Writer Sr, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Chantilly, VA
5.)  Technical Writer, General Dynamics – IT, Scott Airforce Base, IL
6.)  Technical Writer, Northrop Grumman, Laurel, MD
7.)  Technical Writer, MTCSC, Stafford, VA
8.)  Technical Writer/Editor, BAE Systems, Bellevue, NE
9.)  TECHNICAL WRITER 3, CACI International, Millington, TN
10.)  Technical Writer, DRS Technologies, Elizabeth City, NC
11.)  SECURITY DIRECTOR, Port of Tacoma, Tacoma, Washington
12.)  Mechanical Engineer, Civil Engineering Unit (CEU), United States
Coast Guard, Department Of Homeland Security, Oakland, CA
13.)  Aerospace Engineering SME with Security Clearance, ITT Industries
Advanced Engineering and Sciences, USAF Academy, CO
14.)  Web Master/Developer, BAE Systems, Bethesda, MD
15.)  Web Developer, Booz Allen Hamilton, Leavenworth, KS
16.)  Web Developer, L-3 SYColeman, Tampa, FL
17.)  Senior Engineering Technician, Thales Communications, Inc.,
Clarksburg, MD
18.)  Director of Government Affairs, Military Families United,
Washington, DC
19.)  MID-LEVEL PR EXECUTIVE, Sullivan Higdon and Sink, McLEAN, VA
20.)  Aircraft Electrical Design Engineer, GoGo, Aircell, Itasca, IL
21.)  ENGINEER – RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, Underwater Acoustics and
Signal Processing, Adaptive Methods, Metro DC area
22.)  Senior Program Manager needed with Military / Navy experience and
experience with drives and motor controls.
23.)  Microelectronics Technician Senior, Northrop Grumman,  Manhattan
Beach, CA
24.)  Sr Staff Scientist, ENSCO, Springfield, VA
***  And more.
***  Here are four articles I've had published you can read at
Book Review: Hill how-to – Step-by-step instructions for winning defense
Book Review: STRIKE FROM THE SEA: The Royal Navy & US Navy at War in the
Middle East 1949-2003 
USS BRONSTEIN: The Little Combatant That Made Big Waves 
***  The Surface Navy Association's Twenty First National Symposium will
be held at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, Virginia
from 13 to 15 January 2009.
Online registration is available at using the National
Symposium link.  Once on the site, please click on the registration tab.
 There are several registration options on this page.
Online registration will close at 1400 on Thursday, January 8, 2009. 
Anyone wanting to register after 1400 on January 8 must register in
person at the Symposium.
***  From Lee Thomas:

Ned ~ Was cleaning out my queue and came across an old issue of JOTW
that I'd saved to reply to later … then forgot about.  Upon opening it
up again, I discovered the item below was what I'd intended to followup
further on.  My friend Germaine Broussard (aka the Cookie Lady) has been
preparing treats for the troops since the beginning.  She has a web site
( where you can email her, snail mail her, make a
donation via paypal, etc.  I just spoke to her and she said she is
always in need of notes, year-round, because every cookie package
includes a note to the service member.  The notes need to come without
envelopes, as Germaine reviews every one for appropriateness.  You can
Google Germiane and get quite a list of her press clips, but this one — — is a good
synopsis of what she's about. ~ C'Lee

***  Greater Washington Chapter Surface Navy Association Wounded Warrior


For the past two years, the Greater Washington Chapter of the Surface
Navy Association has conducted a campaign to assist our wounded
shipmates recovering at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda,
MD.  We collected more than 800 DVDs for the Sailors and marines to
enjoy during their recuperation.  The following year we collected funds
and donated 155 portable DVD players.

This year we want to do something very meaningful for those of our
shipmates limited in their ability to get out and around the Washington
area during their convalescence.  We have determined that Operation
Second Chance provides many valuable services to military men and women,

and would greatly benefit from a conversion van equipped too transport
wheelchair patients in and around the D.C. area to attend sporting
events, concerts, and other wise get out and about. 

This is an expensive proposition, but very important for those men and
women who are virtually stuck in the hospital.  We have carefully looked

at Operation Second Chance and are very impressed with the organization
and the services it provides.

Therefore, SNA GWC is seeking to help OSC raise $30,000 to purchase a
conversion van modified by Adaptive Mobility Systems, Inc. (AMS Vans). 
Please indicate your contribution at the SNA website:

This will take you directly to the OSC website fundraising page for
donations.  (When prompted “How did your hear about OSC?” click on
Surface Navy Association.)  Your donation will be made directly to OSC,
but we want to track our progress so we can follow our progress to
attaining our $30,000 goal.  

If we exceed the $30,000, the additional funds will be available to OSC
insurance, registration, maintenance and operating costs for the van. 

Please be generous, and share this appeal with others who share your
concern for those shipmates who had made a very great sacrifice in
service to their nation and security and freedom everywhere.

For information about SNA, visit

For information about OSC, visit

(Some of you noted that Operation Second Chance had imposed a $50
minimum for credit card donations.  I have since arranged to have that
dropped to $20.

You can start by checking in here:

***  US Navy, Environmentalists Settle Sonar Lawsuit
Link to AP story:

Link to news release from the US Navy:
Link to news release from the National Resources Defense Council:

1.)  Marine Engineer Sr, Alion Science and Technology, Pascagoula, MS

Job ID 9564.

Seeking a Senior Marine Engineer with experience with ship detailed
design development and scheduling.  Must have previous project
management experience working with ship design development and
production planning team(s) to support ship construction.

Bachelor¿s degree in engineering or a related scientific discipline plus
5 to 7 years relevant work experience.  Degree(s) must be in
engineering, computer science, mathematics or a related discipline.
Educational requirements may be adjusted or waived for more than 10
years of applicable work experience.  Work experience may be adjusted
based on education, or highly specialized knowledge or applicable
experience with Navy or commercial ship detailed design development.

Demonstrated command of engineering principles, methods, and techniques
in area of expertise and a demonstrated knowledge of ship design,
scheduling, production planning and ship construction.

Knowledge of commercial shipbuilding practices and familiarity with ABS
classification rules.

Effective customer and organizational level communication, presentation
and interpersonal skills.

Knowledge of Microsoft Office suite programs, MS Word, Excel and

Ability to obtain Secret security clearance. 
Working on site as part of an overall project management team, incumbent
will build effective relationships with shipbuilder design development
and program teams in support of overall project milestones and

Act as an interface between Ship Design Manager and ship design teams
for overall project management, daily coordination and technical issue
resolution.  Prepare formal briefings and lead technical discussions at
project review sessions as required.

Evaluate shipbuilder¿s design plans and processes; assess schedule
adherence and manning requirements in support of start of construction
and other project milestones.

Assist shipbuilder team with identifying and managing critical path and
ensure that the flow of issues, conflicts, questions proceed smoothly
and expeditiously.  Evaluate and assess impacts on downstream
construction requirements.

Evaluate design documentation for compliance with performance
specification. Assess criticality of all changes to ensure only
mandatory and essential changes are implemented during construction.

Provide technical expertise and assistance to others on the on-site
Project Management Team to build an effective and responsive team.

Develop and implement an effective set of program metrics for managing
and tracking the detail design effort in support of project milestones.

Find out just how far your skills will take you with Alion Science and
Technology.  Join us.  We offer competitive salaries and outstanding
benefit packages to full and half-time employees. 
Conditions of Employment 

Applicants who are offered employment with Alion will be required to
complete an Alion Application for Employment form.  Also, as a condition
of employment, you will be required to sign a Disclosure and
Authorization form for a background/reference check of employment
history, education, references and criminal records.  Employment is
contingent upon satisfactory results of your reference check.  
Equal Employment Opportunity 
We value the cultural differences our employees bring to Alion. 
How To Apply 
We offer competitive salaries and outstanding benefit packages to full
and half-time employees.  Please apply on-line by uploading your resume
or cut and paste your resume using our resume template.

2.)  Sr Early Warning Command Control & Communication Analyst, CSC,
Arlington, VA

3.)  Geospatial Web/Database Developer, Geospatial Division, Applied
SErvices and Information Systems, LLC, Virginia Beach, Virginia

4.)  Technical Writer Sr, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Chantilly, VA

5.)  Technical Writer, General Dynamics – IT, Scott Airforce Base, IL

6.)  Technical Writer, Northrop Grumman, Laurel, MD

7.)  Technical Writer, MTCSC, Stafford, VA

8.)  Technical Writer/Editor, BAE Systems, Bellevue, NE

9.)  TECHNICAL WRITER 3, CACI International, Millington, TN

10.)  Technical Writer, DRS Technologies, Elizabeth City, NC

11.)  SECURITY DIRECTOR, Port of Tacoma, Tacoma, Washington

12.)  Mechanical Engineer, Civil Engineering Unit (CEU), United States
Coast Guard, Department Of Homeland Security, Oakland, CA

13.)  Aerospace Engineering SME with Security Clearance, ITT Industries
Advanced Engineering and Sciences, USAF Academy, CO

14.)  Web Master/Developer, BAE Systems, Bethesda, MD

15.)  Web Developer, Booz Allen Hamilton, Leavenworth, KS

16.)  Web Developer, L-3 SYColeman, Tampa, FL

17.)  Senior Engineering Technician, Thales Communications, Inc.,
Clarksburg, MD

***  From  Brandi Kolmer:

Hi – Can you please add this to your job listings?  Thank you!
18.)  Director of Government Affairs, Military Families United,
Washington, DC
Military Families United, the leading organization focused on military
family issues, is seeking a Director of Government Affairs. This
individual directs the organization's efforts to influence
decision-making and policy development on defense, veterans, and
military family issues at the local, state, and federal levels.

The Director of Government Affairs will be responsible for:
.    Development and implementation of comprehensive policy and
legislative strategies.
.    Monitoring legislation and advising staff and board members on
relevant policy issues.
.    Working with communications staff to develop content for collateral
materials and website.
.    Developing and maintaining strong working relationships with policy
makers and other military interest groups.

The successful candidate must have extensive knowledge of current and
emerging military-related policy issues along with a strong
understanding of the legislative process.  Experience working closely
with federal, state, and/or local policy makers is required. Strong
writing and public speaking experience is critical.

Ideal candidate will have a minimum of 3 years of progressively
responsible and directly related work experience in government and/or
government relations.  Hill experience strongly preferred; candidates
with committee experience and/or Military Legislative Assistants for
members representing districts with significant military presence will
be given greater consideration. A bachelors degree is required and a
graduate degree is a plus.

Please email cover letter, resume and two writing samples to Brandi
Kolmer @
19.)  MID-LEVEL PR EXECUTIVE, Sullivan Higdon and Sink, McLEAN, VA

The McLean office Sullivan Higdon and Sink, a full service advertising
and public relations agency, seeks to add a mid-level PR executive.

The senior brand reputation counselor is responsible for the full scope
of pubic relations activities including research, planning
implementation and evaluation of communication programs. This position
serves as a primary client liaison and performs both traditional and
nontraditional public relations functions. This position also assists in
managing online PR, including online product reviews and blogs, as
applicable and assists in managing crisis communications needs related
to brand or company activities.

Our accounts are exclusively business-to-business and
business-to-government, primarily in the aviation, aerospace and defense
industry. Experience in this realm is a plus; if not, a willingness to
learn and embrace enthusiastically is a prerequisite.

A bachelor's degree in public relations, communications, journalism or a
related field is required, as well as five to seven years of PR agency
experience, including direct client interaction.

The successful applicant will have a strong portfolio demonstrating the
ability to pitch technology stories to mainstream national media.
Excellent writing and phone skills are also a must. Occasional travel
(primarily domestic) will be a component of the position. Applicants
must be DC-area residents (no relocation) and U.S. citizens only (no

To apply, please submit a cover letter including salary requirement,
resume, and three writing/coverage samples to

20.)  Aircraft Electrical Design Engineer, GoGo, Aircell, Itasca, IL
Aircell is the world's leading provider of airborne communications.
Gogo, powered by Aircell, turns a commercial airplane into a Wi-Fi
hotspot with true inflight Internet access. We are hiring talented
professionals who share our vision for providing premiere communication
services to the aviation markets and making broadband on airplanes a

Aircell offers an excellent compensation and benefits package. Aircell
employees receive comprehensive group insurance programs including
health, dental, and vision coverage. In addition, employees receive life
insurance coverage, plus short- and long-term disability insurance.
Employees can elect to participate in a 125 pre-tax benefit program for
health or dependent-care expenses, as well as a generous 401(k)
investment plan. Employees also receive paid vacation and 8 paid
holidays per year.

The Aircraft Electrical Design Engineer is responsible for Electrical
design, drawings and assemblies of system components/equipment on all
airplane models.
Key Responsibilities:
*                 Responsible for Electrical design, drawings and
assemblies of system components/equipment on all models of airplanes.
*                 Design product variations for compatibility with
complex integration of hardware and software.
*                 Ability to use AutoCAD Lt 2007.
*                 Coordinate between airplane customers and suppliers to
ensure the functioning and compliance of all systems and equipment.
*                 Apply knowledge of Electrical engineering and
scientific principles to develop, design, analyze, test and validate
solutions for complex systems and sub-systems.
*                 Design cabin systems (electrical engineering aspects)
to satisfy customer, FAA and internal requirements.
*                 Assist with trouble shooting system anomalies and
propose solutions
*                 Support integrated supply chain with manufacturability
and obsolescence issues, product transitions to new suppliers and cost
savings initiatives.
*                 Generate and perform system test procedures and
*                 Familiar and competent in relevant FAA regulations.


*                 5+ years experience in aviation or related industry
designing components and systems. Experience with Wiring Harness
Assembly drawings, Wire Routing and clipping in transport category
aircraft (REQUIRED).
*                 Bachelor*s degree in Electrical Engineering or related
technical field or equivalent.
*                 Proficient with CAD software.
*                 Extensive experience with avionics systems
*                 Strong problem-solving and troubleshooting skills.
*                 Excellent communication skills with the ability to
interface with customers, vendors, and other AirCell departments.

Aircell LLC is an equal opportunity employer and works in compliance
with both federal and state laws. We are committed to the concept
regarding Equal Employment opportunity. Qualified candidates will be
considered for employment regardless of race, color, religion, age, sex,
national origin, marital status, medical condition or disability.

Prior to submitting your response, we encourage you to review our
company web site, to learn more about us and the GoGo Inflight Internet

We request that you send us your response via e-mail only. In your
subject line please include the position title. Your resume & cover in
plain text, MS Word or RTF is welcomed at
Please no agencies, phone calls, third parties.

21.)  ENGINEER – RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, Underwater Acoustics and
Signal Processing, Adaptive Methods, Metro DC area

***  From John Lowthorpe:

Senior Program Manager needed with Military / Navy experience and
experience with drives and motor controls.
I am currently looking to fill a Senior Program Manager position at our
Midwest facility. Oversees Drives and Controls projects for naval
vessels, specifically shipboard controls and propulsion systems. Ideal
candidate is a degreed engineer, with project / program management
experience of at least 5 years with highly engineered products, has
knowledge of or experience with automation, drives, and / or motor
controls. Preference will be given to candidates with graduate degrees
and candidates with Military / Navy backgrounds. Compensation is well
above 100k. Contact me by email at JLOWTHORPE@
or call at 866-228-5751.
23.)  Microelectronics Technician Senior, Northrop Grumman,  Manhattan
Beach, CA

24.)  Sr Staff Scientist, ENSCO, Springfield, VA

***  Ball cap of the week: McArthur Communications

***  Coffee Mug of the Day:  American Forces Network

***  Thank you for sharing this week's DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our
website at  You can also read previous
issues at or on Topica at

Your company's jobs can be listed here when you share them with me. 
Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company's most pressing
job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager
subscribes to DEFCON 1.

Please share these opportunities and refer this network to your friends
in the defense industry.  They can subscribe for free when they send a
blank a-mail to

If you delete an address from your account, or if you really don't want
to read the newsletter, then send an email to:

DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that
serves the nearly 10,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible
that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to
subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for
professional communicators, send a blank e-mail to:

This newsletter is published by:

Edward H. Lundquist, ABC
Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
+1 703 455-7661

Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week”
network – A world in communication.

For your hospitality, thank you!
© Copyright 2009 Job of the Week Network, LLC

“If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd
be a shortage of fishing poles.”
~Doug Larson


SNA Wounded Warrior Project
The Greater Washington Chapter of the Surface Navy Association is
raising $30,000 to buy a modified wheelchair conversion van for
Operation Second Chance to transport wounded warriors in and around
Washington, D.C. to receive medical treatment and attend sporting events
and entertainment. 

Visit to report
your contribution to Operation Second Chance.

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