Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 13 August 2008

by Neds Job of the Week
Published on: 08/13/2008
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Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 13 August 2008

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Issue # 108

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“In Scouting, a boy is encouraged to educate himself instead of being instructed.”

– Sir Robert Baden-Powell


Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.


DEFCON 1 returns after a week in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Wyoming and a few days in Los Angeles and the Bay Area in California.


When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share. 


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by sending a blank email to


Transitioning, or changing your e-mail address?  Don't forget to change your DEFCON – 1 subscription.  To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail from the old account to Then a blank e-mail from your new account to  I cannot do this for you.


I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):

1.)  Functional Analyst Lead, Alion Science and Technology, Arlington, VA

2.)  Sustainment Analyst- Programmatic, EWA Information & Infrastructure Technologies, INC., Arlington, VA

3.)  Operations Analyst, EWA Information & Infrastructure Technologies, INC., Pentagon, Virginia

4.)  Chief Strategic Communications, EWA Information & Infrastructure Technologies, INC., Arlington, Virginia

5.)  Program Manager, Gentex, Simpson, PA

6.)  Director, Asia Pacific Operations, BAE Systems Information Technology, Kailua, Hawaii

7.)  Optical Engineer/Physical Scientist, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, District of Columbia

8.)  Director, Defense Media Activity, Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church, VA 

9.)  Senior Marine Electrical Engineer, NortekUSA, Seattle, WA

10.)  Intern, Public Affairs Office, Military Sealift Command, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C

11.)  DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER, Aculight Corporation, Bothell, Washington

12.)   Director, Communications, ITT Night Vision, Roanoke, VA

13.)  Schedulers, Alpha Corporation, Dulles, VA

14.)  IT Technology Specialist – Biometrics, Calnet, Alexandria, VA


16.)  Communications Technician, Lockheed Martin Corporation, KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS

17.)  Sr Principal Analyst, Program General Dynamics Information Technology, Red Stone Arsenal, AL

18.)  Defense Analyst, Congressional Budget Office, Washington, DC

 19.)  Mechanical Engineer – shoreside position, Military Sealift Fleet Support Command, Virginia Beach, VA

20.)  NAVAL ARCHITECT, U.S Coast Guard Engineering Logistics Center, Equipment Management Division, Naval Architecture Branch, United States Coast Guard, Department Of Homeland Security, Baltimore, MD


***  And more…


***  I attended the commissioning of the USCGC Bertholf, the first new class of high-endurance cutters to join the fleet since 1972, in Alameda, CA, on August 4.  The pre-reception was held at the Coast Guard base, in the gym.  I pulled up to the gate with all my passes, tickets and invitations.  “I’m looking for the gym,” I told the armed sentry.  “Gym’s closed today,” he replied.  “They’ve got some kind of special reception.”


***  Send an announcement to the 500-plus defense industry professionals on this list for just $200.  Contact Ned at



***  The United States Navy Memorial

President and CEO

RADM Richard Buchanan, USN (Ret.)

requests the pleasure of your company


Tuesday, August 28 at

“Concerts on the Avenue”



The United States Navy Concert Band


Reception: 6:30 pm in the Navy Heritage Center

Concert: 8:00 on the Navy Memorial Plaza


The United States Navy Memorial

“The Anchor of Penn Quarter”

701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW


Civilian: Business Casual


***  Cool aircraft technology:


***  Chris Cavas tells us about DDG 1000.


***  Rick Strutner forwarded this video:


***  The SNA 18th Annual West Coast Symposium will be held adjacent to Pier 2, Naval Base San Diego from 0700-1800, Thursday, 28 August. 

This year's theme is “Executing the Maritime Strategy” and we have a great line-up of speakers. A detailed Symposium agenda is available onsite at BONHOMME RICHARD (LHD-6), who will be moored at Pier 2, has graciously offered to host lunch.  While onboard, we are honored to have as our lunch time speaker, Capt Jeff Bacon, USN (Ret), author of the comic strip, Broadside.   The event will conclude with a Surface Warrior Reception in the corporate sponsor's tent. 

With the exception of lunch, all events are free of charge.  Lunch is $5.00 for SNA members, $8.00 for non-members. 

Registration can be completed online at or at .  Please register early to help enable proper planning for both the luncheon and reception.

***  As we head into the summer and get ready for the busy month of
September, don't forget to register to attend the Surface Navy
Association's Annual Cocktail Party on September 6 at the Washington
Navy Yard Navy Museum.   This has been a well attended and popular event
– and this year's party will be no exception.  Heavy Hors d'oeuvres,
beer and wine will be provided for a small fee.   In addition to being
popular for our area Surface Warriors, this is also an event you can
invite your friends and family to attend. It is a casual affair with no
speaker, and offers a chance for us to gather and network in a terrific

Date:  Saturday, September 6, 2008

Time:  1830-2100

Location: Washington Navy Yard, Navy Museum

Preregistration is required:

Visit our chapter website for information on other GWC upcoming events:



2009 Naval History Symposium

The History Department of the United States Naval Academy invites
proposals for papers to be presented at its 2009 Naval History Symposium
in Annapolis, Maryland, from 10-12 September 2009. The 2007 symposium
was extremely successful, with over 300 in attendance and 138 papers

Proposals on any aspect of naval and maritime history are welcome. Paper
proposals should include an abstract not exceeding 250 words and a
one-page vita. Panel proposals are also encouraged and should contain an
abstract and vita for each panelist. Please mail proposals to Commander
C.C. Felker, History Department (12C), 107 Maryland Avenue, Annapolis,
Maryland 21402-5044; or send electronic proposals to
The deadline for submitting proposals is 10 January 2009. The program
committee expects to finalize the program in February 2009.  Final
versions of papers are due by 1 August 2009.

A limited number of travel stipends are available to scholars residing
outside the United States and graduate students within the United
States. Please indicate your desire to apply for a travel stipend in the
cover letter or email that contains your proposal.

The program committee will award prizes to the best papers presented at
the Symposium. As in the past, we will publish selected papers at a
later date.

Information on the 2009 symposium can be found online at  Specific inquiries should be directed
to CDR C.C. Felker at email


***  Here are the jobs for this week:


1.)  Functional Analyst Lead, Alion Science and Technology, Arlington, VA


Job ref. no. 8960.




Bachelors Degree with a minimum of 8 years experience.


Experience with Marine Corps Force Protection programs and initiatives.   Flexibility in supporting long-term projects and short-term tasks. Thoroughly familiar and proficient in the use of commercial software packages such as Microsoft Word, Project, Excel and PowerPoint.  Able to effectively communicate orally and in writing to Mangers without a financial background.


Must have the ability to obtain and maintain a SECRET clearance. 




Develop, execute, and monitor S&T Force Protection project plans, to ensure Marine Corps capability needs and requirements are met. 

Participate in identification of science and technology requirements to support Force Protection needs for DoD and Homeland Security Review reports, memoranda, etc. and create briefing materials

Attend project reviews and prepare minutes

Provide rapid response to information requests

Develop and improve processes and be considered as a resource for resolution of unique or complex problems

Maintain effective customer contacts

Initiate and maintain collaboration with both national and  international research organizations interested in Force Protection


Find out just how far your skills will take you with Alion Science and Technology.  Join us.  We offer competitive salaries and outstanding benefit packages to full and half-time employees.


(Note:  If you wish to submit your resume for this position with Alion Science and Technology, please follow the instruction to apply online, but also send your resume to Ned at, and I will also upload it into the system as a “refer a friend” submission for you.)


***  From Michelle Mrad:


Good Morning Mr. Lundquist!


This is Michelle Mrad from IIT/ an EWA Company in Herndon, VA.  I have posted past job opportunities with you and  was hoping to post three jobs on your site.  I have attached the positions and if you have any questions please let me know. Have a great day!



Michelle Mrad


Michelle Mrad

Administrative Assistant


EWA Information & Infrastructure Technologies, INC.

13873 Park Center Road

Suite 200

Herndon, VA 20171

P-(703) 478-7644

F-(703) 478-7654


2.)  Sustainment Analyst- Programmatic, EWA Information & Infrastructure Technologies, INC., Arlington, VA


Specific Duties and Responsibilities Performed.

Provide expert level issue resolution and recommendation support to achieve desired program outcomes.  Specific duties include and specialized expertise may include, but is not limited to the following:

        Track assigned initiatives from developing organizations, Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), Rapid Equipping Force (REF), Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG) and others, from concept through development, deployment, and operational evaluation

        Monitor all aspects of the initiative through termination or transfer, either as an acquisition program or as a niche program (sustained only as long as there is an in-theater requirement)

        Support and coordinate the development of institutional solution set for integrated logistics support

        Liaise with sustainment program managers or points of contact

        Provide overall program management support and investigate, analyze, plans, design, develop, implement, or evaluate solutions for project/program efforts 

       Plan and track progress of related system upgrades/modifications 

        Assist with development of end-to-end integrated test plans to support modifications, upgrades, and new capabilities being introduced by external agencies




Special Knowledge Required and Experience.

Pentagon staff (preferably, Army Staff) experience. Technical background in system implementation, operations, and testing.Expertise may include: logistics, maintenance, supply, financial management, security management, information management, contracting. Support to coordinate developing the institutional solution set for integrated logistics support.  Detailed knowledge of thePlanning Programming Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) system and Army program, doctrine, and policy development and execution.


Candidate must have a total of 10 years of experience in the field of specialized expertise (acquisition, sustainment, and PPBE) which included performance of the forgoing functions in the area of expertise, with respect to DoD programs/project.




Candidate must have a bachelor's or postgraduate degree in engineering, scientific, technical or business management disciplines from an accredited college or university.


Candidate will be subject to a Government Security Investigation, and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information.



To apply for this position, please email your resume demonstrating education, experience, and salary requirements to the IIT HR Department (, or via fax (703-478-7665).  Please include Reference Number IIT-0625 when applying.  EEO.  Principals Only.

IIT does not accept or retain general applications for employment.  Individuals must apply for specific open positions.  An IIT representative will contact those individuals that have the required skills and qualifications.  No phone calls please.


3.)  Operations Analyst, EWA Information & Infrastructure Technologies, INC., Pentagon, Virginia


Specific Duties and Responsibilities Performed.

Specific duties include and specialized expertise may include, but is not limited to the following:

          Support on current worldwide asymmetric warfare operations as monitored in coordination with deployed and non-deployed units

          Coordinate and develop mission support requirements as well as general daily operational activities, such as a daily summary of activities and responses to requests for information from forward asymmetric warfare forces, deployed units, Army Staff (ARSTAF)

          Coordinate continuity of operations (COOP) policy, plans, operations and training in accordance with Army, DoD, and Federal  Regulations

          Respond to senior leader requests for information

          Support for Conferences, Symposia, Colloquia or Meetings and provide timely, well-researched analysis and guidance

          Support department efforts to revise and maintain its published guidance related to COOP

          Provide SME support to coordinate and assist the Division Chief in conceptualizing, documenting and implementing the departments vision

          Coordinate with ARSTAF action officers and divisions to ensure synchronization of activities within the Pentagon

          Provide a full range of leadership support in project execution, quality assurance, contractual and security matters




Special Knowledge Required and Experience.

Pentagon staff, preferably, Army Staff, experience and a strong technical background in combat systems and operations.Detailed knowledge of Army Operations Doctrine and Policy development and execution.  Operational staff experience at the Combatant Command or Service Headquarters level is also desired.

Military experience in Combat Operations related activities, including doctrine development and operational evaluation, preferably with on-the-ground experience in Iraq or Afghanistan supporting Army Operations.


Candidate must have a total of at least 10 years of experience in the field of specialized expertise which included performance of the foregoing functions in the area of expertise, with respect to DoD programs/projects. 





Candidate must have a bachelor's or postgraduate degree in engineering, scientific, technical or business management disciplines from an accredited college or university.


Candidate will be subject to a Government Security Investigation, and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information.



To apply for this position, please email your resume demonstrating education, experience, and salary requirements to the IIT HR Department (, or via fax (703-478-7665).  Please include Reference Number IIT-0709 when applying.  EEO.  Principals Only.

IIT does not accept or retain general applications for employment.  Individuals must apply for specific open positions.  An IIT representative will contact those individuals that have the required skills and qualifications.  No phone calls please.


4.)  Chief Strategic Communications, EWA Information & Infrastructure Technologies, INC., Arlington, Virginia




Special Knowledge Required and Experience.

Pentagon staff, preferably, Army Staff, experience, and a strong background in strategic communications.Be able tocoordinate and communicate using a network of communicators within the DoD organization.  Candidate should have specific experience in military public affairs and media relations. Expertise at developing broadcast-interview (live or taped) and discussion-style media engagements is preferred. A wide range of written communication products targeted at audiences from the general public through Congress/Cabinet levels. Applicant should be able to quickly integrate into a small staff that mimics the major duties of the Army Staff's Public Affairs Directorate.


Candidate for Senior Strategic Communications Chief must have a total of at least 15 years of experience in DoD programs/projects.


Candidate must have a postgraduate degree in engineering, scientific, technical or business management disciplines from an accredited college or university.


Candidate will be subject to a Government Security Investigation, and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information.




Specific Duties and Responsibilities Performed.

Develop communication strategies and effectively coordinate and communicate the organization’s story, both proactively and in response to query or crisis by using a network of communicators within the organization, other HQDA staffs, Army combatant commanders, TRADOC, OSD, the Joint Staff, JFCOM and other Services. Expand awareness and understanding of the organization’s vision, mission and goals to key stakeholders within the Army, Congress, the Joint Staff, OSD and other Services. Author an annual communication strategy to serve as the foundation for all organization communication activities. The strategy will include initiatives such as:

        Public Affairs Plan

        Legislative Outreach Plan

        outreach to key stakeholders, Soldiers, civilian employees and families

        media engagement

        media training

        product and brand development


Lead the development and improvement of effective communication products specifically:  brochures, calendars, annual review booklet, display materials, and maintain organization website for both classified and unclassified systems. Provide effective communication counsel to the leadership and communicators within the organization.  Coordinate and attend relevant worldwide conferences to promote organization’s interests.  Keeps customer informed of emerging policies and programs. Coordinate and attend worldwide conferences as required. Present briefings to higher authority to gain active support of asymmetric warfare concepts, doctrine and policy.


To apply for this position, please email your resume demonstrating education, experience, and salary requirements to the IIT HR Department (, or via fax (703-478-7665).  Please include Reference Number IIT-0729 when applying.  EEO.  Principals Only.

IIT does not accept or retain general applications for employment.  Individuals must apply for specific open positions.  An IIT representative will contact those individuals that have the required skills and qualifications.  No phone calls please.


5.)  Program Manager, Gentex, Simpson, PA


6.)  Director, Asia Pacific Operations, BAE Systems Information Technology, Kailua, Hawaii


7.)  Optical Engineer/Physical Scientist, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, District of Columbia


This individual would support the Naval Research Laboratory's R&D programs in freespace laser communications and atmospheric mitigation studies. As such, the person should have training in classical and physical optics, in electronics, in data acquisition and control, and in instrumentation techniques. The individual should have demonstrated bench-level capability in circuits, operation of standard test equipment, and knowledge of computer language(s). The position will entail participation in field tests where laser propagation is studied over water and overland at various latitudes. The individual will also participate in the development of program goals. The individual should have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in engineering or physics, or its equivalent, and be able to work with highly motivated scientists in a team environment. Knowledge of ZEMAX is highly desirable.




Postdoc positions are open as well and candidates are encouraged to apply.


***  From Bruce Cole:


This might put a cramp in your current style, but I wanted to be sure
you knew about this opportunity.  — Bruce.

A new vacancy listing for the Director, Defense Media Activity position
been posted on the USAJOBS website.

8.)  Director, Defense Media Activity, Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church, VA 

SALARY RANGE: 114,468.00 – 172,200.00 USD per year This is a Tier 3
position with a salary range from $114,468 to $172,200.
OPEN PERIOD: Friday, July 25, 2008 to Monday, September 08, 2008 SERIES
DUTY LOCATIONS:   1 vacancy – Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church, VA 
WHO MAY BE CONSIDERED:   Applications will be accepted from all groups
of qualified individuals. (you must be a U.S. citizen).
Please pass the link along to those you think may be interested in
applying for the position.


9.)  Senior Marine Electrical Engineer, NortekUSA, Seattle, WA


***  From Tim Boulay:



I have another posting for JOTW, this time for an intern.



10.)  Intern, Public Affairs Office, Military Sealift Command, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C

The public affairs office at the Navy's Military Sealift Command, headquartered at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., has a paid internship opportunity for the upcoming school year.   

– The intern will serve as an editorial clerk and will assist with media searches and clippings, weekly internal publications, press releases and feature stories.

– The timeframe is approximately Sept. 15, 2008, through May 2009.
– Pay is $13.60 per hour for 20-30 hours per week.
– Desired majors: communications, journalism, mass communications/media studies, political communications or public relations. Graphics design experience in Quark, Pagemaker and/or Adobe Illustrator is a plus.

Applicants must be full-time undergraduate or graduate students and should forward their resumes to Include the days and hours that you would be available, based on a five-day workweek with office hours between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Applications must be received by Sept. 5.

For any questions, call (202) 685-5055.

11.)  DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER, Aculight Corporation, Bothell, Washington


***  From Vicki Winger Shrewsbury:


I would like to submit the following position to be posted in your next issue:


12.)   Director, Communications, ITT Night Vision, Roanoke, VA


ITT Night Vision, a value center of ITT Corporation's $6 billion global defense group, is seeking a Director of Communications to lead all public relations, employee communications and marketing communications activities. As a member of ITT Night Vision's leadership team, s/he will report to the value center president, will lead a team of communications professionals in two locations and will be responsible for developing and executing long-range and annual communications plans that help the business meet its objectives. Experience in leading a team and in a wide range of disciplines, including public relations, advertising, issues management, special events, electronic media and employee communications, is mandatory to meet the demands of this multi-faceted leadership role.  Req Number: 08-063.


Experience Requirements:

The candidate should have a bachelor's degree in a related field and have at least 10 years of public relations/marketing experience. Candidates must be US citizens and be able to obtain a DOD Secret security clearance.


Thank you,

Vicki Shrewsbury


Vicki Winger Shrewsbury

Recruiting Specialist

ITT Night Vision

7635 Plantation Road

Roanoke, Virginia 24019

Direct Dial: (540) 561-9749

Cell: (540) 521-3024


13.)  Schedulers, Alpha Corporation, Dulles, VA


All Office Locations (Req# 004)

Excellent career opportunities for Schedulers at varying experience levels to serve on multi-phased government, institutional, transportation or mixed-use development programs. Develop and maintain construction project schedules for building, transporation and heavy civil projects. Review and analyze project schedules developed by contractors, including periodic updates. Perform Time Impact and other delay analysis techniques to evaluate project delays. Prepare report of analysis and recommendations and present same to in-house team or clients.


Sucessful candidates must have:


4 – 6 years experience in the commercial construction industry

Min. 2 yrs of project scheduling

High School degree required, BS highly preferred

Knowledge of Primavera products including P3.x, P3e/c, P5, Suretrak Project Manager as well as MS Project software

Knowledge of schedule comparison software including Digger and/or Primaplan

Solid familiarity with database, spreadsheet and word processing software

Strong leadership/team-building and written and verbal communication skills


Desired Experience:


Experience in building and/or transportation projects.

Security clearance at Secret level preferred, clearable at minimum.

Alpha Corporation

Attn: Human Resources

21351 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 200

Dulles, VA 20166

Fax: 703-450-5103


14.)  IT Technology Specialist – Biometrics, Calnet, Alexandria, VA




16.)  Communications Technician, Lockheed Martin Corporation, KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS


Full-time/Unaccompanied Status)

***This position is located on a beautiful tropical island in the Marshall Islands. You must be willing to relocate. This is an unaccompanied position***


HR 032355 Dept. Telecom Systems e-mail



• The technician will perform all aspects of satellite communications system operation, maintenance, preventive maintenance and logistical support, and follow all Quality Control (QC) guidance, and enforces quality control standards when performing electronic equipment installations, repairs or modifications.

• Will perform or assist in the installation of new equipment and systems and will need to operate, maintain, test, troubleshoot, repair, configure, and reconfigure a Defense Satellite Communications System (AN/FSC-78B), Commercial C-band Earth Terminal, and the following types of related or ancillary systems: Digital Communications Satellite Subsystem (AN/MSC-66), DFCS Satellite Network Monitoring System (AN/GSC-51), Controller interfaces, analog to digital converters, fiber optic/copper interface systems, Military standard/commercial interface converters, multiplexers, modulators and demodulators, frequency converters, power transmitters (HPA’s and SSPA’s), low noise receivers, RF combiners and splitters, precision timing distribution systems, COMSEC devices and antenna control systems.

• Must be able to competently and quickly resolve communication anomalies between SATCOM system elements, and interconnected telecommunication nodes.

• Will activate, test, and maintain permanent and temporary circuits to support RTS, DSCS, DISA, Army Space Command, and Executive service communications using Telecommunication Service Orders (TSO's).

• Will respond and follow the operational directions from Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and SATCOM Network Control Elements (i.e. DSCSOC, and INTELSAT OPS center).


• Military or civilian SATCOM training and certification.

• Five years prior SATCOM experience to include strategic military terminals.

• A good understanding of DISA regulations is imperative.

• AS degree desired.

• Position requires shift work, as the SATCOM is a 24/7 operation. Willing to work flexible hours, weekends, holidays and night work

• Must posses or be able to obtain a US security clearance.

• Must be able to pass company provided physical for remote long term assignment.


• The technician will perform all aspects of satellite communications system operation, maintenance, preventive maintenance and logistical support, and follow all Quality Control (QC) guidance, and enforces quality control standards when performing electronic equipment installations, repairs or modifications.

• Will perform or assist in the installation of new equipment and systems and will need to operate, maintain, test, troubleshoot, repair, configure, and reconfigure a Defense Satellite Communications System (AN/FSC-78B), Commercial C-band Earth Terminal, and the following types of related or ancillary systems: Digital Communications Satellite Subsystem (AN/MSC-66), DFCS Satellite Network Monitoring System (AN/GSC-51), Controller interfaces, analog to digital converters, fiber optic/copper interface systems, Military standard/commercial interface converters, multiplexers, modulators and demodulators, frequency converters, power transmitters (HPA’s and SSPA’s), low noise receivers, RF combiners and splitters, precision timing distribution systems, COMSEC devices and antenna control systems.

• Must be able to competently and quickly resolve communication anomalies between SATCOM system elements, and interconnected telecommunication nodes.

• Will activate, test, and maintain permanent and temporary circuits to support RTS, DSCS, DISA, Army Space Command, and Executive service communications using Telecommunication Service Orders (TSO's).

• Will respond and follow the operational directions from Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and SATCOM Network Control Elements (i.e. DSCSOC, and INTELSAT OPS center).


• Military or civilian SATCOM training and certification.

• Five years prior SATCOM experience to include strategic military terminals.

• A good understanding of DISA regulations is imperative.

• AS degree desired.

• Position requires shift work, as the SATCOM is a 24/7 operation. Willing to work flexible hours, weekends, holidays and night work

• Must posses or be able to obtain a US security clearance.

• Must be able to pass company provided physical for remote long term assignment.


17.)  Sr Principal Analyst, Program General Dynamics Information Technology, Red Stone Arsenal, AL


18.)  Defense Analyst, Congressional Budget Office, Washington, DC


19.)  Mechanical Engineer – shoreside position, Military Sealift Fleet Support Command, Virginia Beach, VA


20.)  NAVAL ARCHITECT, U.S Coast Guard Engineering Logistics Center, Equipment Management Division, Naval Architecture Branch, United States Coast Guard, Department Of Homeland Security, Baltimore, MD




***  Ball cap of the week: ArrowCorps5


***  Coffee Mug of the Day:  Harris Ranch


***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our website at  You can also read previous issues at or on Topica at


Your company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me.  Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager subscribes to DEFCON 1.


Please share these opportunities and refer this network to your friends in the defense industry.  They can subscribe for free when they send a blank a-mail to


If you delete an address from your account, or if you really don't want to read the newsletter, then send an email to:


DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that serves the nearly 10,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, send a blank e-mail to:


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661



(703) 692-4609


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2008 Job of the Week Network, LLC


“The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.”

 Benjamin Disraeli


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