Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 10 December 2008

by Neds Job of the Week
Published on: 12/10/2008
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SNA Wounded Warrior Project

The Greater Washington Chapter of the Surface Navy Association is raising $30,000 to buy a modified wheelchair conversion van for Operation Second Chance to transport wounded warriors in and around <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Washington, D.C. to receive medical treatment and attend sporting events and entertainment.  Our current total is about $11,000.

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> 

Visit to report your contribution to Operation Second Chance.


Where in the world is the Great White Fleet:



Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 10 December 2008


Issue # 116

You are among 650 subscribers


Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”



Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.


When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share. 


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by sending a blank email to


Transitioning, or changing your e-mail address?  Don't forget to change your DEFCON – 1 subscription.  To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail from the old account to Then a blank e-mail from your new account to  I cannot do this for you.


I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):

1.  Military Analyst, Alion Science and Technology, Shaw AFB, SC

2.)  Writer, United Service Organizations (USO), Arlington Virginia

3.)  Web Communications Manager, United Service Organizations (USO), Arlington Virginia

4.)  IRAQI Medical Assistance Subject Matter Expert, CALNET, Reston, VA (Job location is Iraq)

5.)  Manager, Public relations, Walter Reed BRAC Implementation Team, iAP Worldwide Services, Washington, DC

6.)  Mission Support Specialist, Department of Homeland Security, San Antonio, TX

7.)  Collection Specialist, BAE Systems, Herndon, VA

8.)  Supervisory Mission Support Specialist, Department of Homeland Security, Rosedale, NY

9.)  Mission Planning Specialist, Saic, Las Vegas, NV

10.)  Mission Support Specialist, Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, NY, NY

11.)  CALCM Mission Planner Specialist, Department of the Air Force, Barksdale AFB, LA 

12.)  Mission Operations Specialist, Chenega, Winchester, VA

13.)  Consultant, Robbins-Gioia, Alexandria, VA

14.)  Chem-Bio Defense Program Engineer/Analyst (Mid Level), SPARTA, Rosslyn, VA

15.)  Sr Product Support Specialist – Military Systems Life Cycle Logistics, Serco, Washington, DC 

16.)  Military Ops Analyst – Joint Logistics (JLAG), Systems Planning and Analysis, Alexandria, VA 

17.)  Logistics Automation Engineer, Verizon Federal Network Systems, Fort Belvoir, VA 

18.)  ELINT Analyst, Syracuse Research, Charlottesville, VA

19.)  EICO Specialist IV, ATK Mission Systems, Mesa, AZ

20.)  Air Combat Simulation Specialist, Northrop Grumman, El Segundo, CA


***  And more…


***  Clearance:


Ned —

I occasionally see postings that include “eligibility to obtain a 'Secret'
(or other) security clearance” as a qualification.

As I have never had nor needed a security clearance, I have no idea whether
I'd be eligible or what would be entailed.  Is there a resource you could
direct me to that might give me a better idea of where I stand?  Thanks.




(Good question.  There are thousands upon thousands of people who have them, so it isn’t an insurmountable obstacle to employment.  Let's ask the network for a response. Ned)


***  Biggest game of the year!


They said Army’s fullback was better than any running back Navy had faced all year.  Army's Collin Mooney finished his record-breaking season with 55 yards rushing against Navy.  Shun White, the game’s MVP, ran for 65 yards in one scoring play.  White had 138 yards in the first half alone.  Eric Kettani had 125 yards.  Navy again led the nation in rushing.


The Mids will play Wake Forest in the inaugural EagleBank Bowl on Dec. 20 in Washington, DC.  This will be Navy’s their sixth straight bowl game appearance.



***  SNA GWC Luncheon December 11, 2008:


Speaker: The Honorable Sean J. Stackley
Assistant Secretary of the Navy Research, Development and Acquisition


Hyatt Regency Crystal City

2799 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia, USA

Check-In opens at 1100
Lunch starts at 1130

*Note time change

To make a reservation please use the following link:


(Note:  This luncheon is filling up fast.  Don’t miss out.)


***  Greater Washington Chapter Surface Navy Association Wounded Warrior

For the past two years, the Greater Washington Chapter of the Surface
Navy Association has conducted a campaign to assist our wounded
shipmates recovering at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda,
MD.  We collected more than 800 DVDs for the Sailors and marines to
enjoy during their recuperation.  The following year we collected funds
and donated 155 portable DVD players.

This year we want to do something very meaningful for those of our
shipmates limited in their ability to get out and around the Washington
area during their convalescence.  We have determined that Operation
Second Chance provides many valuable services to military men and women,
and would greatly benefit from a conversion van equipped too transport
wheelchair patients in and around the D.C. area to attend sporting
events, concerts, and other wise get out and about. 

This is an expensive proposition, but very important for those men and
women who are virtually stuck in the hospital.  We have carefully looked
at Operation Second Chance and are very impressed with the organization
and the services it provides.

Therefore, SNA GWC is seeking to help OSC raise $30,000 to purchase a
conversion van modified by Adaptive Mobility Systems, Inc. (AMS Vans). 
Please indicate your contribution at the SNA website:

This will take you directly to the OSC website fundraising page for
donations.  (When prompted “How did your hear about OSC?” click on
Surface Navy Association.)  Your donation will be made directly to OSC,
but we want to track our progress so we can follow our progress to
attaining our $30,000 goal.  Our current total is about $13,000.

Our goal is to help OSC raise the $30,000 by December 15th.  If we
exceed the $30,000, the additional funds will be available to OSC for
insurance, registration, maintenance and operating costs for the van. 

Please be generous, and share this appeal with others who share your
concern for those shipmates who had made a very great sacrifice in
service to their nation and security and freedom everywhere.

For information about SNA, visit

For information about OSC, visit


(Some of you noted that Operation Second Chance had imposed a $50 minimum for credit card donations.  I have since arranged to have that dropped to $20.


You can start by checking in here:




***  Here are the jobs for this week:


1.  Military Analyst, Alion Science and Technology, Shaw AFB, SC


Job ID 9453.



 Manpower and Personnel Analysis experience mandatory

Previous AFCENT experience desired

Minimum SECRET clearance mandatory

Knowledge of JOPES and DCAPES mandatory 


 2.12. Manpower and Personnel Analysis and Management.

2.12.1. Assists in the analysis and management of operational requirements to

include: Provides advice for the creation of management work folders. Analyzes and reports on all manpower and personnel issues. Provides expertise for the validation of deployed organizational

manpower requirements for the AFFOR and AOC. Assists in the development of the Deployment Requirements

Manning Document. Analyze and provides oversight of input data into the Joint

Operation Planning Execution System (JOPES) and Deliberate

and Crisis Action Planning Execution Segments (DCAPES) Provides expert advice for creating and improving organizational

arrangement and charts. Assists on personnel and unit draw downs. Assists the Director with maintaining the Manpower Data

System. Assists in the preparation of special orders.

2.12.2. Analysis and management of manpower and personnel support of

USAFCENT¿s Theater Security Cooperation Plan. Provides advice for creating management work folders. Provides advice on all manpower and personnel issues. Provides expert advice and attending planning conferences. Provides evaluations of manpower and personnel exercise

participant qualifications. Provides expertise for validating manpower requirements for

exercises. Assists in developing the exercise Deployment Requirements

Manning Document. Analyzes data in JOPES/DCAPES Provides expert advice for creating and improving organizational

charts. Assists in the preparation of special orders.

2.12.3. Assists in the analysis and management of manpower and personnel

support of USAFCENT¿s Individual Augmentation program. Assists in the reception, analysis, coordination and processing of

Individual Augmentation requests for Air Force support to other

services contingency requirements. Provides expertise, and oversight in the maintenance, updates

and analytical database of requirements. Provides expertise for developing the Deployment Requirements

Manning Document. Analyzes data in JOPES/DCAPES. Provides expert analysis of requirements and monitors status.

2.12.4. Receive and analyze USCENTCOM IA requests for organizational

issues. Coordinates USCENTCOM Joint Manning Documents (JMD)

with USAFCENT staff for review and input. Consolidate and submit USAFCENT staff JMD inputs to

ACC/XPM for organizational actions to establish Air Force

elements. Reconcile requirements between JMD and USAFCENT

developed Air Force elements. Request position descriptions from USCENTCOM or Joint Task

Forces as required. Provide recommended response to A1 Director on Manpower

and Personnel taskings (JMD).

2.12.5. Build Joint requirements in database.

2.12.6. Track sourcing and tasking of each request.

2.12.7. Report status of Air Force requirements attached to AF Elements in

support of Joint Organizations.

2.12.8. Process requirement change requests.

2.12.9. Analyze requirements database for current operations.

2.12.10. Analyze organizational structure based on current requirements.

2.12.11. Build contingency requirements based on current operations.


Alion Science and Technology is an employee-owned technology solutions company delivering technical expertise and operational support to the Department of Defense, civilian government agencies and commercial customers. Building on 70 years of R&D and engineering experience, Alion brings innovation and insight to multiple business areas: defense operations; modeling & simulation; wireless communication; industrial technology; chemical, biological, nuclear & environmental sciences; information technology; and naval architecture & marine engineering. Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide.


Find out just how far your skills will take you with Alion Science and Technology.  Join us.  We offer competitive salaries and outstanding benefit packages to full and half-time employees. 


Conditions of Employment 


Applicants who are offered employment with Alion will be required to complete an Alion Application for Employment form.  Also, as a condition of employment, you will be required to sign a Disclosure and Authorization form for a background/reference check of employment history, education, references and criminal records.  Employment is contingent upon satisfactory results of your reference check. 

Equal Employment Opportunity 

We value the cultural differences our employees bring to Alion.  EOE/AA/M/F/V/D.


(Note:  If you wish to submit your resume for this position with Alion Science and Technology, please follow the instruction to apply online, but also send your resume to Ned at, and I will also upload it into the system as a “refer a friend” submission for you.)


***  From Maggie Prado:


2.)  Writer, United Service Organizations (USO), Arlington Virginia


The United Service Organizations (USO), the internationally renowned service organization which provides support for active U.S. military personnel and their families, has an opportunity for a talented Writer to join the Communications Department. This position is based in our corporate office in Arlington, VA.                
Key Responsibilities: The Writer will produce feature articles for the USO magazine, articles for USO newsletters, copy for USO websites and social media pages, and copy for USO collateral materials used throughout the organization. In this position, you will be an independent contributor – conducting your own research, interviews, fact checking, writing and editing.


  • A communications related Bachelor’s degree
  • 3 to 4 years writing experience for a newspaper or magazine
  • Proficient with following the AP style guide, using MS office and MAC OS X, Adobe CS4 and current desktop publishing programs
  • Ability to interact and publish on social media systems
  • Ability to learn Website content management programs to publish to USO websites, as well as learning Bronto and other e-mail publishing programs.


The USO is conveniently located in Arlington Virginia and offers a competitive benefits package.  To apply, submit resume, salary requirements and two writing samples to (reference “ARL 22”) or fax to +1.703.908.6420.

The USO is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


3.)  Web Communications Manager, United Service Organizations (USO), Arlington Virginia


The United Service Organizations (USO), the internationally renowned service organization which provides support for active U.S. military personnel and their families, is currently recruiting for a Web Communications Manager.

This position is based in our corporate office in Arlington, VA.

·         Manage the USO’s online presence via the USO website and social media to increase USO visibility and stakeholder engagement

·         Manage the web-posting process by guiding and assisting content contributors in writing submissions for creating new web pages

·         Create, edit and publish content (still and video imagery and text) to the USO website, intranet and Ning network site to ensure organizational updates are made in a timely manner 

·         Ensure the quality, integrity and accuracy of all information submitted for posting to the website

·         Manage the USO’s social media engagement, including providing oversight for the USO’s Ning network and third-party social media engagement (e.g., Facebook, MySpace and YouTube).

·         Prepare, coordinate and post online graphic and textual communications materials

·         Design, test, administer, analyze and produce reports using online feedback and research surveys and other mechanisms, such as web metrics, media room metrics, customer satisfaction surveys, etc

·         Manage USO’s online media room


Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree in Communications, Marketing, English or other related field is required
  • 3 to 5 years of experience (minimum); prior experience in web site content management
  • Experience in executing online marketing tactics
  • Experience with online communication and writing for the web medium.
  • Proficiency with Mac OS X, Microsoft Office, Adobe CS4 (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, Acrobat)
  • A full understanding of HTML authoring, CSS (cascading style sheets) and web development standards
  • Strong project management and organizational skills, including extreme attention to detail
  • Excellent communicator, with strong verbal and written communication skills, as well as a strong project management and organizational skills
  • Ability to work in fast- paced and team-oriented environment and independently organize work resources with the capability to work on multiple projects and/or assignments simultaneously.


The USO is conveniently located in Arlington Virginia and offers a competitive benefits package. We invite interested candidates to submit resume and salary requirements to (reference “ARL 21”) or fax to +1.703.908.6420.

The USO is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer


4.)  IRAQI Medical Assistance Subject Matter Expert, CALNET, Reston, VA (Job location is Iraq)


IRAQI Medical Assistance Subject Matter Expert in IRAQ


Security Clearance: U.S. Interim Secret, U.S. Final Secret or U.S Citizens eligible for clearance.


CALNET Inc.’s slogan “Partnership for Success” defines our work. It has been our privilege to have served the many Department of Defense and Intelligence agencies in missions throughout the world. CALNET made the INC 500 list and the TOP 100 list of Virginia Businesses in 2006, 2007 & 2008 as a result of explosive growth and the dedication of our employees.


CALNET Inc. is currently searching for Subject Matter Experts with proficiency in English and Arabic and /Or Kurdish ( 3/3/3 ) candidates to fill positions in IRAQ. The job descriptions are as follows:


Provide technical support services, reports, analyses, and supporting documentation on the local Iraqi hospital network to include hospital administration and organizational policies and procedures for a facility or medical unit; regional medical ethics, standards of care, certification, autopsy, procedures, policies and medical education of medical disciplines. Consult with medical, business, and community groups to discuss service problems, respond to community needs, enhance public relations, coordinate activities and plans, and promote health programs. Assist attending physicians assessing whether patients are stable enough to be transferred to the local Iraqi hospital and assist in the coordination of such transfer.


Five or more years of Iraqi or western-orientated experience in hospital or medical center. Extensive knowledge of IRAQ desired.


Technical support services, reports, analyses, and supporting documentation shall be commensurate with work product of a professional with the above experience with a degree in Nursing, Medical Technician, Medical Doctor or associate discipline.


CALNET, Inc. offers a competitive base salary plus commission, and a generous benefits package.  This package includes medical, dental, vision, life, short and long term disability insurances, a 401(k) retirement savings plan, and generous leave time.


This full time permanent opportunity is located in IRAQ. To obtain more information regarding this position or to apply, please send a word copy of your resume to


CALNET, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer, all qualified applicants are encouraged to apply.


***  From Mark Sofman:


5.)  Manager, Public relations, Walter Reed BRAC Implementation Team, iAP Worldwide Services, Washington, DC


6.)  Mission Support Specialist, Department of Homeland Security, San Antonio, TX


7.)  Collection Specialist, BAE Systems, Herndon, VA


8.)  Supervisory Mission Support Specialist, Department of Homeland Security, Rosedale, NY


9.)  Mission Planning Specialist, Saic, Las Vegas, NV


10.)  Mission Support Specialist, Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, NY, NY


11.)  CALCM Mission Planner Specialist, Department of the Air Force, Barksdale AFB, LA


12.)  Mission Operations Specialist, Chenega, Winchester, VA


***  From Kris Hoegel:




I would be interested in this position being advertised in your next publishing.  We currently have one opening for a Communications Consultant in Alexandria, VA.




Kris Hoegel

Corporate Talent Manager

DHS & Civilian Agencies

F. 703-548-3724

11 Canal Center Plaza

Alexandria, VA 22314


As the premier provider of project management and consulting services, Robbins-Gioia, LLC has earned a worldwide reputation for providing measurable results to support the successful implementation of high-risk, complex endeavors. If you are a highly motivated, results-oriented individual who wants to not only create but implement leading edge strategies and solutions, Robbins-Gioia, LLC has the project management career you have been searching for.
13.)  Consultant, Robbins-Gioia, Alexandria, VA

Robbins-Gioia is currently recruiting for the following position: Consultant.


* BA/BS in public relations, public affairs, journalism, marketing, law, or related communication field of study.
* 4+ years in one or more of these areas, with demonstrated knowledge on current communication tenets, concepts, and best practices. Optimal candidate should possess education, skills, and experience in the following areas: editing; writing/product development; research; communication strategy and planning; stakeholder identification; interviewing; messaging; design and layout; Web-based media; event support; executive communication/staff work; and measurement and evaluation.
* Strong writing skills. Able to comprehend, organize, and translate complex information in a clear and concise manner for varied audiences.
* Results/mission-oriented, and demonstrates a sense of urgency, commitment, and sound judgment in a fluid work environment.
* Demonstrates an ability to display patience and understanding of an ever-changing work environment.
* Effective critical analysis, problem-solving, and presentation skills.
* Responds quickly to unscheduled assignments in a timely and effective manner.
* Effectively anticipates organizational, program, leadership, and client needs.
* Good listener, fast learner, with effective time management, planning, and organizational/time-management skills.
* Demonstrates a propensity to develop a broad, strategic thinking mindset and draws linkages between related workplace/program dynamics.
* Team/people oriented with an ability to cultivate relationships, and use effective interpersonal skills to interact with senior program leaders, subject matter experts and colleagues on both government and contractor staffs. Also, able to give direction whenever necessary to all aforementioned personnel.
* Inquisitive and demonstrates proactive self-improvement through self-study and formal training.
* Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
* Current Customs clearance or ability to obtain one required.


Range of duties include

* Gathering, synthesizing, interpreting, and sharing timely and relevant ACE program information to appropriate R-G personnel.
* Preparing ACE articles, news releases, briefings, talking points, speeches, newsletters, and other communication products for targeted audiences.
* Coordinating inputs to organizational Web sites.
* Editing communication and program documents for approval at a higher level.
* Responding to Internet inquiries from program stakeholders.
* Planning logistics and providing on-site support for trade conferences.
* Contributing to improved communication processes and procedures.

NOTE :  There will be a writing test administered to final candidates.

Our world-class environment offers a competitive base salary and comprehensive benefits including medical/dental/life insurance, 401(k) and educational assistance including 100% tuition reimbursement. Please complete the job profile at and apply!


14.)  Chem-Bio Defense Program Engineer/Analyst (Mid Level), SPARTA, Rosslyn, VA


15.)  Sr Product Support Specialist – Military Systems Life Cycle Logistics, Serco, Washington, DC


16.)  Military Ops Analyst – Joint Logistics (JLAG), Systems Planning and Analysis, Alexandria, VA


17.)  Logistics Automation Engineer, Verizon Federal Network Systems, Fort Belvoir, VA


18.)  ELINT Analyst, Syracuse Research, Charlottesville, VA


19.)  EICO Specialist IV, ATK Mission Systems, Mesa, AZ


20.)  Air Combat Simulation Specialist, Northrop Grumman, El Segundo, CA


***  Ball cap of the week: Commander Destroyer Squadron 21 – Rampant Lions


***  Coffee Mug of the Day:  Port of Los Angeles


***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our website at  You can also read previous issues at or on Topica at


Your company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me.  Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager subscribes to DEFCON 1.


Please share these opportunities and refer this network to your friends in the defense industry.  They can subscribe for free when they send a blank a-mail to


If you delete an address from your account, or if you really don't want to read the newsletter, then send an email to:


DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that serves the nearly 10,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, send a blank e-mail to:


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2008 Job of the Week Network, LLC


“One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important.” 

~Bertrand Russell


SNA Wounded Warrior Project

The Greater Washington Chapter of the Surface Navy Association is raising $30,000 to buy a modified wheelchair conversion van for Operation Second Chance to transport wounded warriors in and around Washington, D.C. to receive medical treatment and attend sporting events and entertainment. 


Visit to report your contribution to Operation Second Chance.


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