DEFCON 1 newsletter for 2 March 2016

by Ned Lundquist
Published on: 03/02/2016
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March 21-23

Norfolk, Virginia



Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 newsletter for 2 March 2016

Issue # 450


“I would rather live one day in Maui than one month in New York.”

– Charles Lindbergh

This edition of DEFCON 1 comes to you from Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii.

***  Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by visiting and selecting DEFCON 1.


***  You can also subscribe to this and my other two newsletters at .  The Job of the Week serves communication professionals.  Your Very Next Step is my travel/outdoors/adventure/conservation newsletter.  They’re all free!


***  To change your email address for DEFCON 1, use the unsubscribe button at the bottom of your newsletter, and then subscribe with your new address at:  .


When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):


1.)  Senior Scheduler, MCR, El Segundo, CA

2.)  Program Office Technical Advisor, MCR, St. Louis, MO

3.)  Junior Cost Analyst, MCR, Dahlgren, VA

4.)  Public Affairs Specialist (Marketing), Crane Army Ammunition Activity (CAAA), U.S. Army Joint Munitions Command, Crane, IN

5.)  MANAGEMENT ANALYST, Missile Systems Weapons Division of the Land and Sea Test Department, NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER PORT HUENEME, Naval Sea Systems Command, White Sands Missile Range, NM

6.)  DON PATHWAYS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM – STUDENT TRAINEE (ENGINEERING), Naval Undersea Warfare Center Keyport Division, Naval Sea Systems Command, Ford Island or Barking Sands, Kauai Island, HI

7.)  Public Affairs Specialist, U.S. Army Medical Command, Fort Knox, KY

8.)  Director, Internal Audit and Assurance, Cobham, Arlington, VA

9.)  Industrial Security Intern-00JN1, Cobham, Arlington, VA

10.)  Senior Program Planner-00JQC, Cobham, Hauppauge, NY


11.)  Data Scientist, National Security Agency (NSA), Fort George G. Meade, MD

12.)  Computer Network Operator-Senior, National Security Agency (NSA), Augusta, GA

13.)  Computer Network Operator-Senior, National Security Agency (NSA), Honolulu, HI

14.)  Student Trainee (Financial Management) (Pathways Internship),  U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command

Natick, MA

15.)  Associate Director of Outreach & Analytics, Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics) DASD(MIBP), Office of the Secretary of Defense, Pentagon, Arlington, VA

16.)  Geospatial Intelligence Analyst, Leidos, Suitland, Maryland

17.)  Targeting Officer/Intelligence Analyst, Leidos, Mclean, Virginia

18.)  Security Processing Specialist, Mission Essential, NEW ALBANY, OHIO

19.)  OPFOR Role Player, Mission Essential, FORT DIX, NEW JERSEY

20.)  Program Director for Targets and Countermeasures (TC), Targets and Countermeasures Program Office, TC, Missile Defense Agency, Department of Defense, Huntsville, AL


21.)  Assistant/Associate/Full Prof of Industrial Hygiene & Environmental Science, Agency:  Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

22.)  Director, Center for Strategic Research (CSR) of the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS), National Defense University (NDU), Fort McNair, Washington, DC

23.)  Communications Manager, Lockheed Martin Commercial Cyber Solutions, King of Prussia, PA


See information/links/points of contact regarding these jobs below.


***  Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


February 28-March 6, Honolulu, Oahu; Barking Sands, Kauai; Wailuku, Maui

March 21-23, Norfolk, VA

May 24-25, London, UK



March 21-23

Norfolk, Virginia


Maritime Security 2016 East is the fourth installment of the Maritime Security East program series, building upon the successes of last year’s conference in Jacksonville, FL. As the fourteenth maritime security conference hosted by Homeland Security Outlook since 2011, Maritime Security 2016 East furthers a commitment to address the needs of governments, law enforcement, and critical infrastructure to counter the challenges of securing coastlines, inland waterways, and their critical infrastructure.


***  Naval Combat Systems 2016

May 24-25, 2016

London, UK

The Naval Combat Systems 2016 conference has been designed to enable end-users and industry to further the discussion around modernisation, modularity, interoperability, and the acquisition and integration of new combat systems.



April 26-27, 2016 • Hilton Crystal City •Arlington, VA


Join me in attending the 7th National Summit on Strategic Communications on April 26-27, 2016 in Arlington, VA. @StratCommSummit features 25 speakers who will provide high-level yet practical content that is global in scope and strategic in focus.


Special guest: Airman Spencer Stone, one of three Americans who helped foil a terrorist attack on a French train in August. This is a fascinating “behind-the-scenes” session where Airman Stone and colleagues will explore how to cope with personal and professional challenges resulting from overwhelming worldwide media attention.


Engage with colleagues from corporate communications, military public affairs and government relations – from the USA and a dozen other countries! Download the complete agenda and Summit brochure here:


JOTW subscribers use code C786JOTW when registering online and save 15% off standard rates.


For more info, please visit the Summit website:


***  Here are the DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Senior Scheduler, MCR, El Segundo, CA


2.)  Program Office Technical Advisor, MCR, St. Louis, MO


3.)  Junior Cost Analyst, MCR, Dahlgren, VA


4.)  Public Affairs Specialist (Marketing), Crane Army Ammunition Activity (CAAA), U.S. Army Joint Munitions Command, Crane, IN


5.)  MANAGEMENT ANALYST, Missile Systems Weapons Division of the Land and Sea Test Department, NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER PORT HUENEME, Naval Sea Systems Command, White Sands Missile Range, NM


6.)  DON PATHWAYS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM – STUDENT TRAINEE (ENGINEERING), Naval Undersea Warfare Center Keyport Division, Naval Sea Systems Command, Ford Island or Barking Sands, Kauai Island, HI


7.)  Public Affairs Specialist, U.S. Army Medical Command, Fort Knox, KY


8.)  Director, Internal Audit and Assurance, Cobham, Arlington, VA


9.)  Industrial Security Intern-00JN1, Cobham, Arlington, VA


10.)  Senior Program Planner-00JQC, Cobham, Hauppauge, NY


11.)  Data Scientist, National Security Agency (NSA), Fort George G. Meade, MD


12.)  Computer Network Operator-Senior, National Security Agency (NSA), Augusta, GA


13.)  Computer Network Operator-Senior, National Security Agency (NSA), Honolulu, HI


14.)  Student Trainee (Financial Management) (Pathways Internship),  U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command

Natick, MA


15.)  Associate Director of Outreach & Analytics, Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics) DASD(MIBP), Office of the Secretary of Defense, Pentagon, Arlington, VA


16.)  Geospatial Intelligence Analyst, Leidos, Suitland, Maryland


17.)  Targeting Officer/Intelligence Analyst, Leidos, Mclean, Virginia


18.)  Security Processing Specialist, Mission Essential, NEW ALBANY, OHIO


19.)  OPFOR Role Player, Mission Essential, FORT DIX, NEW JERSEY




Mission Essential is seeking to fill positions for a PTOC (Part-Time on Call) rotational OPFOR (Opposing Force) Role Player.  OPFOR role players will participate in live role playing training exercises alongside US military personnel at Fort Dix, NJ.  During role playing rotations the OPFOR role players will be required to perform various physically demanding duties to simulate the activities of enemy forces in combat zones.

Minimum Requirements


Potentially strenuous physical activity involved requires role players to be physically capable of meeting the demands of the work

Understanding of military customs, courtesies, and procedures

Willingness to work long hours at short notice


20.)  Program Director for Targets and Countermeasures (TC), Targets and Countermeasures Program Office, TC, Missile Defense Agency, Department of Defense, Huntsville, AL


21.)  Assistant/Associate/Full Prof of Industrial Hygiene & Environmental Science, Agency:  Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH


22.)  Director, Center for Strategic Research (CSR) of the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS), National Defense University (NDU), Fort McNair, Washington, DC


JOB TITLE: Director, Center for Strategic Research This is the Center Director position in the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) of the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at the National Defense University (NDU). The Director develops and manages initiatives designed to coordinate and strengthen the preparation, education, and training of DoD and other USG personnel for regional and strategic issues related to the national security policy and decision-making community, including USG agencies, foreign governments and militaries, and international organizations and nongovernmental organizations. The incumbent initiates, manages, reviews, and presents the results and implications of research, seminars, workshops, and policy reviews regarding matters related to national security.

One of five research centers within INSS, the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) serves as an independent, non-partisan and unbiased advisor to Defense leadership on a variety of regional and functional issues of strategic import to the national security policy and decision-making community. The CSR mission is to provide support to joint professional military education and leader development and strategic support to the Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the combatant commands through studies, reports, briefings, and memoranda; to conduct directed research and analysis in strategic and regional studies; and to engage in independent and leading edge research and analysis in related areas. Strategic studies encompass national security strategy, to include defense policy and organization, transnational security, command and control, and future warfare. Regional studies encompass defense policy, defense cooperation, and military strategy issues as they relate to significant countries or geographic areas. CSR’s publication product line includes books, Strategic Perspectives, policy papers, conference papers, and journal articles.


Research Support

The Director’s primary duty is to exercise senior executive leadership of a team of senior research and military fellows, as well as management of all operational aspects of this research center in support of the INSS and CSR missions. The incumbent develops and manages initiatives designed to coordinate and strengthen the preparation, education, and training of DoD and other USG personnel for regional and strategic issues related to the national security policy and decision-making community, including USG agencies, foreign governments and militaries, and international organizations and nongovernmental organizations. The incumbent initiates, manages, reviews, and presents the results and implications of research, seminars, workshops, and policy reviews regarding matters related to national security. The incumbent keeps abreast of a wide variety or strategic studies and research activities of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Services, other government agencies, industry and academia.

The incumbent evaluates the effectiveness, efficiency, and utility of studies by the CSR and takes appropriate action to improve the utility, timeliness, and quality thereof. Incumbent keeps abreast of issues within USG agencies and other public and private academic and research institutions that relate to regional and strategic issues impacting national security policy.

The incumbent oversees all budget, programming, and personnel activities for the Center and ensures coordination on the budget with the appropriate NDU components and staff elements. Determines need for budget, manpower, and other resource changes based on corporate-level knowledge of current and long-term priorities in conjunction with stakeholder demand signals for policy-oriented studies and research.

The incumbent is responsible for planning and directing staff activities; establishing policies, procedures, and assigning functions and responsibilities to achieve short-and long-range goals. The incumbent ensures that equal opportunity underlies all personnel and supervisory actions with attention given to any special development or recruitment objectives relating to minority or women employees.

In support of Institute operations, the incumbent performs liaison with high level visitors from US Government agencies; Members of Congress; foreign governments, militaries, and research centers; civilian and military academic institutions; non-governmental organizations; professional associations; and others.

Provides expertise to support the leaders and curricular requirements of NDU colleges and components and undertakes activities to enhance student and faculty capabilities to address current and emerging national security issues as they relate to JPME and leader development, as well as CJCS guidance.


Applicants will be rated on the basis of the criteria listed below. Candidates MUST:

* Possess an earned Master’s degree (doctorate or other terminal degree strongly preferred) from a regionally accredited institution of higher education (or international equivalent) in an appropriate discipline such as international relations/affairs, public policy, or national security affairs.

* Center Directors will have at least fifteen years of professional experience working at senior management roles in civilian or military components of the U.S. Government, non-governmental organizations, or other entities in areas related to national security policy and decision-making as a leading practitioner with proven analytic skills.

* Demonstrate in-depth experience in conducting scholarly research and publication, or as a practitioner who has participated in or led policy or research activities, delivered significant speeches or policy papers, or is a recognized thought leader on regional or strategic issues as they relate to national security policy, and possess familiarity with relevant literature in this area.


* Significant experience in interacting with high-level government officials, senior officers, and private-sector professionals.

* Experience in building collaborative relationships across agencies and organizations.

* Experience in developing new insights into situations and applying creative thinking and innovative solutions to make organizational improvements.

* Experience in developing and teaching graduate-level courses in relative areas dealing with international affairs or national security policy and decision-making.


A screening panel will review your resume, writing sample, transcripts and narrative responses to the highly qualifying criteria to evaluate your qualifications for the position. The Assessment Questionnaire collects information on your education, training and experience related to the following critical competencies:

* Education

* Research, Writing, and Publication

* Strategic Analysis and Policy Expertise

* Building Partnerships

* Teaching

All applicants must submit a writing sample which exemplifies their research and writing skills; preferably something which has been published in a book or peer-reviewed journal. Applicants selected to interview will be required to make a presentation to NDU researchers and faculty that demonstrates their research methodology, ability to analyze issues relative to national security, and ability to convey key findings to senior policy makers.


Submit your resume, transcripts, writing sample and responses to the Highly-Qualifying Criteria to

If you claim Veteran’s Preference, (5 or 10 points) you MUST provide a copy of your DD Form 214 (Member Copy 4) listing the dates of military service and rank. If you are claiming 10 points (10 percent or more disability), you must also provide a letter from the Veterans Affairs Office and a completed SF-15 (Application for 10-point Veterans Preference – substantiating your claim.


***  From Bill Seiberlich:


23.)  Communications Manager, Lockheed Martin Commercial Cyber Solutions, King of Prussia, PA



***  Sponsorships and combination packages are available with and  To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2016 Job of the Week Network, LLC

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